Pip Goodman

Postdoctoral researcher working with various aspects of Galois representations

A picture of Pip Goodman

Hello and welcome to my website! I'm a postdoc researcher in number theory at Universitat de Barcelona. Previously I was at Universität Bayreuth, also MPIM in Bonn, and before that I held an early career fellowship with the LMS. I completed my PhD at the University of Bristol under the supervision of Tim Dokchitser.

My work focuses on various aspects of Galois representations. Most of these being some kind of explicit version of the various conjectures proved by Faltings in the eighties. For more informtion, either check out my publications and preprints or feel free to get in contact.

My email address is not pin.goodmap@ub,edu, but you might be able to work it out from this. Else, feel free to get in contact using the form below.